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I've not looked at the ZIP yet, but I watched the YT vid created by AmalgamAsh and he advertised the tutorial that comes with Goblin Quest. Some of the tools and settings are intuitive, but some are a mystery,so I'm looking forward to walking through your tutorial and start building some muscle memory.


That tutorial PDF I made is right here.

let me update this game before you try and play it! It is broken and barely works in its current state.  

Got it... Thanks!

New version uploaded. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Thanks! Liking your tutorial a lot. I did run into a problem when trying to use the script option to change the speed of the character. It kept shrinking the full screen and popping open the browser developer tools. I used the built-in options to increase the speed and decrease it back to normal and it was happy. I grabbed the copy of the tutorial from the link above to make sure I had the most recent.

BTW... Ever see a program called Crocotile3D on Steam? Its basically a tile based modeller that seems like it would fit in nicely with RPM as an object builder.